We discovered Puppy Culture quite by accident -- we were trying to find something that would give our Gaga confidence in the conformation ring. We discovered quickly that while it is ideal to start puppies on this journey when they're days old, the methodology does work with older dogs as well -- it just takes time.

With a DVD packed with information, a clicker, some treats and a lot of patience, Gaga learned to "own the ground she walks on" in the show ring.

We were hooked. We pored over the videos in preparation for Rebel's first litter. Six years and five litters later, we are convinced that what we're doing gives our babies the best shot at success in life -- whether that life is in the conformation ring, the back yard with neighborhood buddies, a rally or agility course, hikes with the humans, therapy work, or cuddling on the couch.

For an overview of the Puppy Culture program, watch this video.